Frequently Asked Questions

I have had some time off exercise, is this suitable for me?

Yes. The majority of new starters have either had a lay off from regular exercise or are starting out for the first time.

I have a few injuries, will I still be able to do this program?

Yes. Most people in our program have some sort of old injury or medical concern so you will not be alone there. We are able to modify, adjust, adapt and find alternatives for anything that may aggravate this area of concern.

Do I need to be ‘fit’ to start?

Absolutely not. Typically for those who kick off with us they would consider themselves a ‘beginner’ and feel as though their level of fitness is at square 1. We begin by going back to basics and ensure we meet you where your current level of fitness is at, which is normally quite low, so if this is you then there will also be plenty of others in the same boat.

What if I can’t keep up in the session?

Your workout will be personalized, customized and tailored for your current level of fitness. For everyone starting out we start from scratch and have no expectations around your fitness so if you are a little concerned about it being ‘too hard’ then there is no need to worry. We normally have a handful of new starters each week and the vast majority of them would say their fitness is low so the workout will always be representative of your current state.

I don’t have any knowledge about exercise or training, will that be a problem?

Not at all. In fact, it’s rare that anyone that starts out with us has any substantial knowledge about anything specific to form or technique in the program. This is why there will be a trainer with you every session and alongside you every step of the way. They will be there to help ensure you are doing everything safely, if we’re using equipment they will make sure it’s suitable for you, if there are modifications or adjustments needed for you they will provide personalized recommendations for you and finally they will make certain you are getting the most out of the program.

Is everyone else going to be ‘super fit’?

No, quite the opposite actually. We have a number of new starters kicking off every week and for the most part they have had significant time off regular training or this may even be their first time doing anything like this. Everybody started out the same way so we always see amazing encouragement and support from everyone else in the program too. We have always tended to attract people to our program who are positive and supportive who love to see others thrive and succeed.

I’ve tried and failed before, how will it be different this time?

We have made a living in helping people not only make progress but sustaining these results too. It is a two way street and we need you to hold up your end of the bargain too but can promise we will do everything in our power to provide the accountability and support you need to achieve the results you want.

I’m not very motivated, can you help me?

Motivation is one of the most common things that new starters and our existing members struggle with. We develop personal relationships with all of our clients and have systems in place to not only hold you accountable to your goals but also support you inside and outside our facility so you can stay on track with your journey.